Friday, May 18, 2012

Obsessed Fridays!

So I am thinking of choosing another day to display my latest obsessions...just thinking out loud.....

This week has flown by and a lot of changes are happening in my life.  Mother's Day was awesome, received a card from my boys and then had a fabulous dinner with my in-laws.  I'm talking grilled lobster tails, salad, bread and grilled veggies....Yummy in My Tummy!  Then we capped the night off sitting on the kitchen floor eating raspberries and strawberries.
Super grainy, but it took me forever to even get this one...

Now on to my other obsessions........

1. Body Chain, Body Chain.....
Courtesy of Etsy Seller : biscayandbeyond

This if super fabulous and perfect for a pool party and I want one! Haha!

2.  Dip-dyed Hair...should I or shouldn't I?  Either way I think it is a cool way to add a pop of color and who says it has to be permanent?  I will keep you posted should I get the nerves up to do it!

3.  Nail Art

So I have never been a fan of doing my own nails....I have always had a serious nail biting habit, don't judge me!  I am trying to get rid of it.  With that said, I have being going to the nail salon for years and I am tired of the usual flower, random leaf, etc that the nail techs convince you to put on your nails for an extra $5, plus the designs are super corny and outdated.  I recently took to Pinterest and discovered a lot of nail designs and I even tried one on myself.  I'm not only obsessed, I'm addicted!

My "IKAT" design...

4.  Peplum, peplum, where for art thou PEPLEM!!!!!

I don't have hips and this style creates hips for me. Nuff said.....

5.  I am obsessed with work lately, focusing on networking and building relationships in the 
real estate and mortgage community.  No pictures for that just words.

Everyone have a fabulous weekend, tell the ones closest to you how much they mean and get out and do something that rocks your world!  Make it a good one....Loves....

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obsessed Fridays!

Geez...Lord me give me the strength to not only stay focused on You, my family, work but also in getting on a regular blogging schedule.

I do have to say that with this weekend being Mother's Day or for me "Mama's Day!" I need to do a little something for what Mama wants now.....I don't need anything but the love of my man and boys, but I wouldn't mind a little something something to obsess over...I mean us Mama's do A LOT and this is our day (besides my birthday month) to get rewarded, right?

So this is a huge make-up trade show that I have always wanted to attend and its June 23-24th, 2012
in Los Angeles.  I mean I do need to make a serious make-up overhaul and I have a few friends that 
wouldn't mind coming with me.  Plus you don't have to be a pro to attend!

And speaking of makeup, I want this little jewel too....
Nothing like a Beauty Blender.

Let me take a second to just dream as if money wasn't an 
object and I could get what ever I want from RESTORATION HARDWARE..

On a serious note, I truly have started to want things for 
my home when its gift time and I want a really cool outdoor
dining set.  Of course it can't be like anything I have ever seen before...

Now back to just biggest obsession and I don't know why! j/k
I know exactly crossbody please!

If all else fails I would love to spend the day here....
Red Door Spa..

Well these are a few of my Mama's Day obsessions and I am sticking to it!  Love to my mother, Bea, who is my entire world and the strongest Mom I know.  Thank you for always leading my example people like you don't come around very often and I am so thankful to God for giving you to me!  Love you Mama and much love to ALL of the amazing Mama's out there....


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